It feels like Trump has lost, and the game is over. But, I don't know the future. [View all]
...This is a feeling about the future. It feels like I felt when John Dean testified to the Watergate committee, and also after they found an 18 minute gap in the tape. Who knows the future? Not me. I speculate that this feels like a movie or play where the bad guy is loosing and he is being defeated. It is all over, but the final last 15 minutes, and the curtain closes. Nothing can be done to change the play, the bad guy has lost, and the celebration will begin as soon as the actors take their bows and the lights come on. (like the end of the first Star Wars movie in 1977)
...Why? Trump is not a nice guy. He acts like a rotten bully, and he really seems to be one. If you watch a real bad guy go down, you cheer for his final moment of loss. That the hero does what can be done to the bully, and the bully leaves town, or whatever happens to the bully in this form of movie or play. It ain't up to me, but that is the feeling I get from what seems to be happening. It is indeed speculation as to what will happen in the future, but it sure seems that the nasty bully has lost. And that makes me happy just to think about that.. I sure hope that is the way this one turns out. That conclusion of this movie as described here, would be good for the entire world, not just the U.S.A.