Creative Speculation
In reply to the discussion: North Tower Acceleration [View all]Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)Well, if you can, please do.
I personally don't see the issue. Bazant Zhou (which, despite your assertion above, no one outside of 9/11 Truth has discredited) shows that the upper section would have had ~31 times the energy necessary to overwhelm all structural support below. Even you admit that the upper section is only accelerating at 70% of freefall. That other 30% is going somewhere - that energy is doing something.
Basically put, 9 times the energy to overwhelm the lower structure completely is not present in the descent of the lower section. My answer would be it's going to tear apart the lower structure and pulverize building contents. Your milage may vary.
Also, there is no reason to think that each individual collision between the upper and lower section would propagate to the top of the upper section. Since they are not rigid blocks but complex structures hitting each other off-center, any expected "jolt" would actually only be seen at the point of contact, ripping one or the other structural element loose. And after the center debris field was developed, no such jolt should even further not be expected.