Then there were the lies, the most dramatic of which came out of the mouth of Capt. Guy Means, who is Wildhaber’s current supervisor.
On Thursday, Means testified that he had never met Donna Woodland, a police widow who had testified that Means told her, “He’s never going to get a white shirt. He’s too gay.”
On the witness stand, Means denied saying that, and he went further. He said he had never met Woodland and didn’t know who she was.
Late Friday afternoon, Woodland took the stand again and produced a picture of her and Means at the fundraising event in question. In the picture, the captain is giving a big bear hug to the woman, the sort of hug you don’t give to strangers. She also produced a receipt for a custom picture of his badge she had bought for him for $147. She said it hangs in a frame in his office, where she’s been, where they’ve talked about family, life and the death of loved ones.
“He strolled in here in his white shirt, and he lied,” Riggan said of Means. “He blatantly perjured himself. … How credible are the rest of their witnesses? You don’t think they sent other people in here to lie? They will stop at nothing to bury this case.”
At that point, the county’s attorney, Mike Hughes, sensing the sinking ship, rose to object.
“The defense objects to the continuous references to lying,” Hughes pleaded with the judge.
He was overruled.