How many times did Mothers tell their daughters that in the 50s? A lot more often than most young women today understand. My Dad never abused my Mother but I knew of women who were threatened with or experienced home training.
How about the fact that women did not have money in their own name? My Mother did not have a credit card in her own name until the 1980s. My first two cars were in my Dads name because I could not have credit in my own name.
I lived at home for 3 years saving for a small condo. Got all the way to closing when the Title Company asked my Dad to sign for the loan. Wuht? Needless to say I stood up and we left.
Lets talk about when my Mother married my Dad. She had to have written permission from my Dad to be fitted with a diaphragm.
Women in my generation fought long and hard for no fault divorce, the ability to own property in our own names, to have a checking or savings account in our own names, access to birth control, and on and on.
Young women, heed our warnings. A small, vocal, portion of American men want to take us all backwards. Dont let that happen. Vote, vote, vote.