Need some advice on long term rehab for a stroke victim. [View all]
She's early 70s and had a stroke about 15 years ago. Has no use of left arm, some use of left leg but that is compromised by a knee replacement that went bad so there is muscle damage. I would like to help her start a low key exercise program. We walk at a local park and she can use a walker. She can manage about 100 yards but the last 25 or so she is really tired.
When she walks she leads with the weak left leg and brings the strong right foot to level with the left. This limits her stride to about 12-15 inches, Her Physical therapist told her she should lead with the strong leg so she could lengthen her stride and walking speed but she hasn't been able to break the habit.
I had a thought that perhaps a low step could help her build strength in her strong leg and perhaps develop more muscle tone in the weak left leg. I'm thinking 6" tall and wide/deep enough to comfortably accommodate both feet easily. We could place it next to the kitchen counter for support and do several reps of step up/step back building over time.
So the questions are: Is this a good plan? Is there a recommended dimension for such an exercise tool?