In reply to the discussion: Anybody does vegetable gardening? [View all]walkingman
(8,550 posts)Cool about the cover crop - we tried planting buckwheat one year as a covercrop but then decided to go to the no-till "ruth stout" method because we have a few Longhorns steers for tax purposes and always have round bales of hay available. Not sure it save much work but it definately helps on the weeding. I make the mistake of getting "first cut" coastal hay one year (usually the first cutting they use weed killer on the pasture) and that was a big mistake. It took a lot of work to get rid of the hay - it was killing everything we planted in the garden. Now I make sure that I get second or third cutting - they don't use the weed killer so no problem.
I love beans of all kinds - out biggest problem here is the poor soil and the very short growing season. It has gotten to where we have to plant tomatoes no later than late Feb. or early March, which means taking a chance on a freeze, and have lots of 5 gal. buckets to cover them in case of cold or hail. The beans usually like warm soil to germinate and so depending on the weather it could get too, hot too quick to produce - really a challenge. Central Texas is not the best place to garden....that's for sure.