First, what are the objectives? Yield, flavor or both?
Arkansas Traveler (not really an heirloom, but a commercially produced variety from the 1950s - a good tomato, medium sized, productive, pink - fairly flavorful, good for hot humid areas)
Better Boy (F1) (still one of the best hybrids)
Big Beef (F1) (one of the best recent hybrids)
Brandyboy (F1) (I've not grown it)
Celebrity (F1) (ho-hum flavor - one of the most common ones grown locally for farmers market tomatoes)
Crimson Sprinter (haven't grown it, not really well known or highly recommended as far as I can tell)
Crnkovic Yugoslavian (not all that well known or popular, a typical regular leaf large pink tomato of the German Johnson type)
Defiant (F1) (aggressive name! Probably one of the recent disease tolerant/resistant ones, flavor will be iffy)
Dester (a new favorite, really good flavored pink tomato, will be very similar to Crnkovic Yugo)
Early Girl (F1) (more for yield and earliness than flavor)
Eva Purple Ball (pretty, very round and doesn't crack much, medium sized, pink, on the sweet to bland side)
German Pink (large potato leaf pink, similar to Brandywine but not quite as flavorful, the tomato that really started the idea of the Seed Savers Exchange since it was from the founder's family - a good tomato, not as flavorful as Brandywine)
Italian Heirloom (I loved it when I tried it at the SSE tasting, but it is really disease prone for me)
Mortgage Lifter, Halladay's (huge pink sweet tomato, a favorite, monster plant)
Mountain Merit (F1) (one of Randy Gardeners's new disease resistant or tolerant types, probably more for yield than flavor)
Mountain Fresh Plus (F1) (ditto)
Some you are missing that I would recommend - hybrids: Whopper, Lemon Boy, Sungold
Non-hybrids - the authentic Brandywine (to compare to Brandy Boy), other colors that are delicious - Cherokee Purple (and/or Chocolate and/or Green), Lillian's Yellow Heirloom, Regina's Yellow, Lucky Cross, Green Giant, Yellow Brandywine and/or Kellogg's Breakfast - if you want to make it more visually interesting and kick up the flavor.