Out of the 4 I tried, 2 made it to harvest after 44 days from the seedling stage on April 13th. The two that didn't make it died early on, most likely from transplant mistakes I made. Had I waited a little longer to get a better root structure before transplanting, I think all of them would have made it.
The heads were a bit smaller than I would have liked and about the size you'd get from the hydroponic lettuce you can find at the supermarket. A big part of my problem was that I was growing them on my covered porch and they really didn't get as much sunlight as they really needed. However, as far as a proof of concept, I think I'm going to label this one a success worthy of trying again.
I think this time I'm going to grow them indoors, perhaps all the way to completion under my homemade shop light stand that I use for seedlings. At the very least I'm going to let them get to a decent size before I move them outdoors. I'm not sure that the folgers cans that I'm using are quite large enough as they hold a bit less than the recommended 1 gallon per head, so it may very well be that even if I am able to improve the process I may not get really large heads as I'd like, but I'll just have to see how it goes.