A lot of people don't know how GOOD homegrown veggies are compared to store bought. Once you figure it out it's an obsession, isn't it?
Then sometimes I think that certain people just have a "GottaGrow DNA." If I don't plant a garden, I feel like I am a sinner of the worst sort. But my acreage is mostly in the shade. So I am limited in planting space.
Your baby's blog is really well done. I finished
A Romantic Education a few weeks ago, and have the bug to get to Eastern Europe someday. We considered a move to Prague in the early 90's. My (now) ex worked for GM and they were doing some operations there and asked him if he'd like to relocate. I was all for it! Can't wait to hear how she finds it.
My daughter came home from college this past weekend. She invited me to our friends' restaurant, where they stuffed me full of wonderful food and served me beers and then after closing time they locked up and we all sat around and visited. Some other friends of theirs came to hang out with us. Everything was on the house, lots of fun. She makes me socialize when she visits.
Then she took one of her cats back to school. As I'm handing the cat to her to put in the carrier in her car she says, "Mom DO NOT CRY!" and I had to laugh. "Are you saying I'm a sentimental blubbering fool? Of course, you're right!"
Grown kids are a lot of fun.