I will have both of those.
Today, though I've been working a few weeks, not so much. It takes a while to get the first full check and also my tax refund is running late. Waiting on both. Til then, I hate to admit it, but I am muy poor.
Today, they shut the power off. I started crying but what can I do? But then the man who works for the co-op came back and asked if I could borrow any from a friend. "I'm gonna give you a few hours, and cut the power back on for you." Mercy is alive and well in TN. He is my hero today.
I called a dear friend and borrowed enough to keep the power on.
I'm glad that most on DU aren't struggling like I am. It's been a tough six months. But I refuse to get depressed - much. And I still am planning a garden. I am grateful that the EBT program helps with a home garden. It makes sense, when you think of all the Big Ag subsidies, to also help the Puny Ag operators! So even the very poor are able to grow their own if they have the space and the physical strength.
Count your blessings if you aren't in the same boat