You are so dead on.
I like being efficient and usually outwork everyone around me, but apparently this is not a job requirement in today's workplace. Accepting shit wages and passing a drug screen are THE only job requirements these days.
I have a temp gig til June, but I am self-directed (no boss onsite), the work is enjoyable and is not so exhausting (I am learning to slow down since my efficiency worked against me in the past) so I have time and energy to write and paint and play music as well.
My nerves are shot to hell, so I am not relaxed enough to have actually done much of the above creative work (sent a final draft of a manuscript yesterday, but the editor had already paid me for that article so I was motivated) while I await some $$$$
Once I feel more secure, I'm hoping I will be able to resume being creative rather than wondering how to keep the wolves away. I hpoe something good breaks for you soon.
My bro is a tech writer and just works as a consultant on contract in NYC, and makes the big bucks. Have you thought about consultant work? Make your own company?