If everybody helped where they're able without always expecting something in return, imagine how much better things would be. I do a lot of freebie stuff, and actually had one rabid rightwing boss tell me how foolish I was for babysitting for a friend for nothing so she could take some college classes. I had to walk away from the job I was doing for this guy one fateful afternoon because he started screaming all sorts of obscenities at me for being a "liberal." I honestly think he was messed up with the pain pills he was eating like candy. He was so nasty, a sexual harrasser big time (I won't even repeat some of the ugliness it was that bad.)
That was three years ago. A couple months ago, his historic home caught fire in the wiring, and burnt to the ground. I didn't gloat, but I damned sure didn't feel sorry for the jerk.
As for employment, there are a lot of us - like you and me - doing all sorts of work we never expected to do, but that's the "new reality." What else you gonna do?
I haven't had the luxury of ANY unemployment compensation, so, like you, I had to just keep looking for anything legal that would pay the bills. If not for my family and friends, I might be in the poorhouse AND the nuthouse
Keep on keepin' on!
It's been enjoyable chatting with you about "taters an' setch."