My angel baby Beaulah [View all]
was attacked and stung by a group of bees on tuesday morning. I let her out for her morning ritual while getting ready for work and next thing you know I hear yelping in the back yard!
I ran to her and saw that there were many bees flying around her hind legs. I brushed her off and hurried her inside on kitchen counter only to remove 5 stingers from her coat. In a matter of 15 minutes her face started to swell. She looked like a prized fighter after a boxing match!
I ran her like a mad women to the vet and by the time I arrived her eyes where like tiny slits, they had to trach her to help her breath and administered an EPI pen and a cortizone shot!
Three hours later, after a lidocane wipe down, benadryl shots and pain meds she was safe to go home. I was to watch her all day. I called into work and hung out with my sweet pea on the couch all day long where she snored and drooled on her favorite blankie.
Today she looks normal, finally! The swelling went down and she is back to being the diva she always is.
Just a public service to watch for bee's and your furkids. My husband saw the nest and we had it relocated today to a better spot way far from our back yard area.
I am greatful she is okay!
This is an old picture, but she is just this cute!