Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Illinois judge rules FOID card 'unconstitutional' [View all]yagotme
(3,819 posts)To think that an inalienable right shouldn't be taxed, delayed, fees added to, or outright denied due to your location? I offered the poll tax as an example of government repressing the rights of individuals. Not advocating for it, but to use it as an apples/apples comparison. Also, to add the other rights I mentioned. Why does the 2d mean so little to you? I assumed that's where your head was at, but like you, waited until you made your own case. If you are willing to deny others one right listed in the BOR, what others are you willing to deny? Political enemies? Someone you don't like, personally? Like the freedom of speech, ALL need the right, or it's not a "right", just a "I'll let you know if you can do it or not. Wait until you receive your permission slip."