I worked in the office of a third party medical biller. I was a Part B care coordination...forget the title, I was one of those people between your physician and your insurance company. Because we aren't evolved enough for Universal Healthcare. I was surrounded by nurses in my cubicle, we "case managed."
In particular a male ex vet nurse who despised Hillary and loved Alex Jones. He had pictures all over his cubicle of various conspiracy theories. I had native art and kept my political opinions to myself because I live in red Ohio. My supervisor cracked jokes about the varying nasty things she did to "own libs."
The male nurse's wife and six year old daughter frequently stopped by the office to visit and chat a bit. Until Sandy Hook I thought "OK he's a jerk but he is a good husband and Daddy, live and let live. Here is a man who had been in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he is a nurse. He knew damn good and well that an exit wound of that type was as big as a grapefruit. Alex Jones called the six year olds, one in particular had six such exit wounds, "crisis actors." His grieving parents had to leave their home because of the hate and vitriol directed at them. And it came from men like this. I listened to this daily, he sat right across from me. My son died of gunshot. I quit. People can talk about rights and laws, in theory it sounds great. In practice, I have peace, thank God I could afford it.
You are a good husband, a good father, a good grampy. I am at once sorry for your grief, and grateful too.