Gunners never do, they just make the inference and let it lie.
They aren't children. "Some" see them as adults. They are responsible. They don't count because the way they live put them in the way of harm. It's the quiet part that I'm saying out-loud that upsets you.
I'm not accusing you personally of this deception, it's something taught by the gun culture. Most people spouting this stuff don't even hear the words. It's just regurgitation of what they've been taught. I can understand what a shock it is to hear it unfiltered.
There is no ad homonym attack here, it isn't you, it's the things you say. I understand how your identity may be so intertwined with gun culture that the difference is hard to see.
The articles and research I post are not questionable or indefensible. They set criteria and report on results and data. That it conflicts with gun culture lore is understandable, after all gun culture has a defined agenda. It seems the only quibble is not the actual reportage but the outcome. Another gun culture tactic is to question the study, not the outcome. It gets to be confusing to thinking people.
While I can't "identify a single post of [yous] where [you've] supported “unfettered access"”
I also can't identify a single post where you support restricted access. Potatos, Potatoes.
There is no straw man here, only an honest look at gun culture and it's insidious grasp on some people that it uses as foot soldiers in this culture war of life vs death and misery all for the profit margins of gun makers.