I want to take back my comments on an earlier post in this forum [View all]
A couple of weeks ago, DU member GP6971 was asking about anyone's experiences with Wreaths Across America.
See -- democraticunderground.com/117911848
Without really having any experience to relate, I nonetheless proceeded to announce my opinions, which were negative.
But, as of today, I HAVE had some experience with Wreaths Across America, and I owe both GP6971 and Wreaths Across America my humblest apologies.
I was invited to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at an historic African American cemetery in Clarksville, Tennessee. I've worked with, and been a member of, the organization that has been revitalizing that cemetery, which is the resting place for at least 33 veterans, most of whom were US Colored Troops of the Civil War. The cemetery had served the local black community from 1817-1958.
In the South, it seems that the graves of black veterans, particularly US Colored Troops of the Civil War, were not treated with any form of respect for many years. In fact, many African American cemeteries were allowed to fall into a state of neglect, some falling victim to vandalism.
I was proud to participate in paying honor to those veterans today. And the organization of Wreaths Across America started that annual tradition.