I'm rated 100% P&T for PTSD and I frequent the VA usually about 4 days a week for various appointments and groups relating to PTSD and alcoholism. The mental health healthcare I receive is top-tier from my experience. The vast majority of VA employees are helpful and, to me at least, appear to genuinely care about the services their provide for veterans. I've only ever had a few negative experiences with staff - actually only two that I can think of out of roughly 4 years of my heavy utilization of their services.
Before I became unable to work, I worked for the federal government. I was a chemist for the Department of Treasury. Others around me and I took pride in our work and took our service to the American people seriously. I don't think most people outside of the government understand that employment to the government means more than just a paycheck to many federal employees.
I haven't seen it yet, but I recently worked with votevets.org on a commercial asking people to support the VA. They spent an entire day interviewing me and having me recite lines for an advertisement that should be airing sometimes in the very near future.
The people who I notice who aren't the happiest with the VA are the people that, in my opinion, are trying to milk the system. I'm sure some people are not getting what they deserve, but that is the exception from my experiences. There are some legitimate problems with the VA, but given the size and scope of the organization that is almost unavoidable. I'm very happy with the VA and I'm extremely thankful to have the services they offer available to me. My life is a wreck as a result of my severe PTSD, but the VA is doing pretty much everything possible to help me keep my life from falling totally apart.
VA employees, thank you for your service. Unlike my military service in Iraq, your service has a positive impact on the lives of people.