If I were to do it all over again, I'd be a poag in the Air Force. Same pay, none of the danger and only 6 month deployments to super-FOBs with a PX and movie theaters instead of year+ deployments to dangerous outposts. Instead of doing daily combat patrols wearing body armor in the Iraqi heat, they get to sit and chill out in air conditioned offices. Their HMMWVs all had air conditioning while our didn't. They had a swimming pool, I had a cesspool.
True story. I was sitting in a waiting room at Ballad, Iraq waiting for a flight home for my two week leave from Iraq. I'd been in Iraq doing daily combat patrols for 8 months. Some air force guys came in and told us we had to leave the cushy waiting area because they were getting ready to have a cake and ice cream party for an air force unit that was getting ready to go home after their 6-month deployment - and we weren't invited!! I couldn't believe it! These are probably the same guys who are quick to proudly point out their service in Iraq and vote republican.