Ok, I need to vent. It's a female veteran thing, but the door is open [View all]
A lot of us (female veterans) have had to deal with our service being marginalized and disrespected. When it comes from a civilian it is irritating. When it comes from someone purporting to be another veteran, it is insulting and infuriating.
I was posting in a group, on another site, concerning the whole take a knee situation. Someone had shared a post from someone claiming that doing so is a slap in the face to all veterans. My response was that, as a veteran, it didnt bother me a bit. I know the hearts and minds of the protestors are focused on a righteous cause, and I am with them. Quite a few other veterans, mostly male, were in total agreement with me.
Thats when it happened. Someone, claiming to also be a veteran, disagreed with us. However, he ignored any remarks made by male veterans, and launched the most vitriolic, sexist, disrespectful attack against me. At first I thought maybe he was being sarcastic. So I FOOLISHLY asked, just to clarify where he was going with the remarks. He then more than doubled down with his attack, focusing solely on me. And he was attacking me for something that I didn't even write!!!
Admittedly, my stress and anxiety levels have been pretty close to redline, over the past few veiled threats, err, I mean weeks. And I know I shouldnt engage with people whose mental or emotional stability seem questionable. But, DAMN, THAT SO TOTALLY PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!
Deep breath. I'm done. Thanks for listening.