When the nostrils flare [View all]
Everyone knows when the bull's nostrils flare,
the drama becomes real, man against wild beast
Great Scott, the weakest left alone to face
the Great Beast, the bull
The agility, the total focus of the bull fighter
faces the fullest ingredient of fears
all alone in the ring as the people in the stands
all stand and cheer with each and every bull rush
that could tear the bullfighter apart.
Like a metaphor
The people all pay to see
Is this the end
The sullen collectiveness of despair
holds the crowd together like an alliterative glue
When does the beast kill the bullfighter,
Or does the bullfighter survive
The suspense overtakes each and every one,
no matter their station in life.
And yes, the bull fighter practices in the mirror prior to the fight,
flaring his nostrils as big as nostrils can humanly flare.
And the crowd eats the whole affair up.
The bull fighter is dressed in tight clothing with
bright sequence shining
bright so bright it makes the bull mad
so much that the bull's nostrils flare
He the powerful bull is going to gore that poor son of a bitch
He's sick and tired of the damn show,
It is now Goring time!
And the crowd becomes silent all at once.
I call it exploitation.
And I'm no Hemingway.
I guess I'll never be.
(my own nostrils are flaring just now)
because I've had too much to drink.