Lead like you Are/Luck [View all]
How do you lead like you Are
It isn't all made up,
You know who you are,
Not someone who has not been fooled
We all have been fooled,
it isn't a conspiracy
And you don't have to lie
about anything true
In Economics, there are measurements,
and people do find themselves at every level
low and high on the food chain
Bad timing, perhaps the wrong upbringing
and you know no promises made no matter how
hard you toil
And still, you see others in the same way,
or maybe you changed somehow.
Where is the rationale written
into any textbook
That tells you
who you truly Are
What makes you believe
What possible ingredient
that makes you so bold
as to lead the flock
Is within you
or do you know what ingredient you
so clearly lack
Have you been deluded
disillusioned feeling like a gull with broken wing
on the edge of the rocky shore as the waves
take your lifeless carcass into the sea
Say, what is on your mind
Just tell them what you know.
You got as far as you did,
because why
you became orange
literally orange in skin.
You fucking moron
captured their hearts
with lies
growing more division
sowing inequity
A prince of darkness
A criminal in it for nobody
but themself
The President
of These United States of America
Because no one could explain the facts
as they are.
The politics and all the money
took control
Like it do
You son of a bitch
Liar you piece of trash
Donald Trump
The complete asshole jerk
who made a real shit mark
stain in history