OK, I am a huge AI hater....but, check this out! Edit. You don't have to be assholes [View all]
Last edited Sun Dec 1, 2024, 06:39 PM - Edit history (2)
I know people use Grammarly, so I get it. I am not always the clearest writer, I usually go with my gut and inspiration, and worry about the details later. (I started in journalism, and my Editor was awesome...lol)
Anyway, I've been sitting on these children's stories for a LONG time...like, I wrote the first one when I was 21, lost it for a number of years, then found it again in my 30's. I wrote an additional one probably ten years ago (god, really?).
All this time I thought I needed an illustrator. I finally realized my story length and level were beyond "picture books".
So I googled this morning about where I could put in a manuscript and get a reading level assessment. Now that AI is everywhere, I wasn't surprised by the many choices. I was drawn to this site because it's named after my absolute favorite writer... Hemingway.
It told me exactly where the difficult to read sentences are and gave suggestions to develop storylines a bit more. Even gave feedback on passive voice and adjectives.
I'm stoked.
I won't be using the AI tool for the actual writing, but damn, it's going to make EDITING sooooo much easier!
Now that I *know* both stories are 4th grade level, I can sketch a couple pics for the aesthetic. I'm thinking like Winnie the Pooh or Velveteen Rabbit...
I'm gonna go ahead and give myself a month subscription. I'm hoping to self publish on Kindle/print on demand.
(If anyone has a better platform suggestion, I'm open)
But now this whole effort is withing reach for the first time in DECADES!
Thanks for jumping on me I appreciate the asshole opinions. I was excited because I found something that could give me information that no other human has been able or willing to do! I have had four different people try to help me with edits and nobody has ever finished it or given me any idea of what level I am writing at. So all of you can fuck right off and I hope this thread gets locked