Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing
In reply to the discussion: Most everything that is going on now is because of Neptune and Chiron [View all]kimmerspixelated
(8,423 posts)From The Dittmars:
After things quieted down a bit, lately it's been round after round, wave after wave of energetic shifts. Regardless of how intensely you experience life as a flow of energy, nearly everyone we have heard from the past two weeks has REALLY felt like something is definitely "up" on planet Earth. Some feel the collective nature of the energy shifts and downloads, while others may not see or feel it that way yet, but instead, are experiencing being deeply puzzled by the seemingly strange arising of emotions "out of nowhere." They say, "one minute I'm feeling happy, and the next - I'm expressing anger, or crying."
A gentle reminder from our hearts to yours that you are not alone in this. Matt often says, "What you're feeling, you're healing." Rest assured, you have lots of company in this (humanity!). This is a wonderful time to deepen the "I love yous" to your heart (which is the heart of all), and to slow and deepen your breath.
The waves in this latest round of ascension energies seems to have shown up in so many as - huge fatigue. The majority of folks we've talked with the past couple of weeks have been experiencing zero "get up and go." We're not just talking a little tired, but show-stopping tired with immune-system dips, sore throats, sniffles, etc. People are napping where they can to process these energies, going to bed early, or rejoicing when a plan falls through so they can just rest. This is truly a time to have greater awareness about the bigger picture of these energy fluxes and to be extra gentle with ourselves and others. If things are not "getting done" and plans are changing, how can we move through this with the most love and compassion for all?
There are oh so many factors at play in our lives and in our energy fields cosmically, astrologically, and energetically right now. Take a moment to really feel it and pulse with the flow of change. This is a week of those energies now integrating into consciousness as things smooth out, and the energy again begins to lift. As Matt talks about in the article below, we are unlocking the door to a 5th dimensional reality, and "appreciation" is the key.
Related directly to this, Matt feels it's the perfect time to share what came through his awareness today: "Your day-to-day activities have no separate existence outside of the soul's play of using everyday life as an open-ended opportunity to express your highest wisdom in action, and create new vibrational patterns by appreciating whatever comes your way. The mentality of needing to get things done based on a promise of what is waiting for you on the other end feeds into the social conditioning of reward and punishment. Beyond all forms of conditioning, life will continue turning up the heat in your reality until you dare to surrender to the authority of Divine grace by heading in a direction that sparks excitement in your heart.
From there, your daily adventures are a chance to keep up the practice of excitement by welcoming everything with an open mind and a loving heart. Knowing, the time you've taken to be guided by heartfelt excitement and enjoy every step of the way shall manifest into form a miraculous reality beyond your wildest imagination. It will be nothing short of breath-taking, reflecting into every moment infinite expressions to appreciate throughout endless opportunities of excitement. Your highest potential is calling. There is nothing left to do, but let go completely and step into the unknown depths of indescribable fulfillment."
Enjoy the journey. You are loved.
Matt and Julie