I briefly described the video to my friend (who had not seen it)
I said, They demonstrate what it takes to implode a building, and the truthers just respond, Well, thats not a valid demonstration. Were talking about advanced technology here, technology that professionals have never even heard of.
OK! So, now the conspiracy includes a band of very fast working covert demolition experts who employ exotic technology that professionals dont know about.
Then, I realized, all of this stuff is really peripheral to the central argument.
If, the whole point of this very complex conspiracy was to justify a war in Iraq, why didnt they implicate the Iraqis somehow?
FWIW: One of my favorite details from Loose Change was when we are told about when a B-52 crashed into the Empire State Building, but the Empire State Building didnt fall down. Close! but not quite. It wasnt a B-52 it was a B-25
(a much smaller and lighter plane than a B-52, and also much smaller, lighter and slower than the planes which flew full throttle into the World Trade Towers.)
Today, I learned, they supposedly left things like that in there, on purpose, just to encourage people to research it themselves
ROWE: What I encourage people to do is go out and research it themselves. We don't ever come out and say that everything we say is 100 percent. We know there are errors in the documentary, and we've actually left them in there so that people discredit us and do the research for themselves -- the B52 (remarked to have flown into the Empire State Building), the use of Wikipedia, things like that. We left them in there so people will want to discredit us and go out and research the events yourself and come up with your own conclusions. That's our whole goal, to make Americans think. To wake up from the 16 amps of your television to watch something and get a passion in something again.
Oh! Thats great! How about distributing an official list of the BS youve intentionally left in your documentary or maybe including it in the documentary itself?