2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Clinton Attack Dog Claire McCaskill Implies Democratic Candidate Bernie Sanders Is A Communist [View all]JDPriestly
(57,936 posts)But Democrats and Independents will think about what he is saying and the terrible income and wealth disparity in our country that has grown so ominous over the past twenty years and consider the source.
Employees have a very different relationship with their work and their employers than they did 25 years ago. A lot of work now is from the get-go temporary. Unions are fewer and weaker than they were 25 years ago.
It's every working person on his or her own now. We don't get raises like we used to. Seniority guarantees nothing. As we age we become less employable in general. (There are exceptions that get a lot of attention.) And at the younger end of the career, it is hard to get that beginning job. A lot of even college grads are expected to work a year or so WITHOUT PAY AT ALL as interns or at minimum wage before they can start a career.
College is expensive, but the only jobs you get without it are menial labor because our trade policies have decimated our industry and you can only get industrial jobs in certain areas of the country.
The economic outlook for working people is bleak. Starting or maintaining a mom and pop store is really tough in this age of Walmart and its competitors.
I do not consider myself to be a socialist at all, but I lived in Europe and I realize that a lot of what Bernie is talking about is the norm in the developed, civilized world.
The 2008 crisis set so many people back. I have friends whose children are not making enough to live anywhere but in a van or at home. I have friends who lost their homes and businesses in 2008, are too old to start over and are really unable to recover. The statistics may look OK, but when you get down to the individual stories, people are still having a tough time. Wages have not risen over the past 30 years like they did before.
Just growing the economy, which is Hillary's primary answer to our economic problems, is not enough. We have to have some sort of approach that spreads the wealth and allows normal people to improve their living standards. We have to have some system that insures that older people who now live longer than in the past can survive in dignity.
Hillary's proposals are half-measures. It is going to take the nation working to heal itself to bring us back to a modicum of unity and deep prosperity. Obama has done a good job in many respects, but the economy is weaker than it looks, and people really feel it.
Hillary is not offering the hope and solutions we need. Trump is a bigot, a fool and also offers no hope or solutions for ordinary people other than blaming that other guy over there.
Bernie is calling people to work together. And people are responding to that call. I think he is the voice and the hope of the moment.
If we don't go for Bernie, we go for bitterness, selfishness and disunity. That will not lead us to a better place. It will not make us a better country. As I see it, Bernie's socialism is not the problem. Rather the lack of empathy and idealism of the other candidates with the possible exception of O'Malley is the problem. As for O'Malley, he is a good man, but his time has not yet come.
Feel the Bern! It's really the only choice out there for this time and this place.