2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Shame on anyone who finds this acceptable in a politician [View all]gerryatwork
(75 posts)...the paster' s of the "Super Churches" that make millions off of their flock the same who are likely to vote for right wing Republicans.
A lot of these corporations organize these events to reward and try to gain new customers. They hire prestigious and famous people to speak and invite their important customers and those they want to impress to these events. Similar to corporations that have luxury boxes at sporting events for their clients. Also they can reward their high producing employees with invitations. Investing $250,000 for a speaker is really pennies when you consider GS and the other corporations control billions of dollars for the people they invite. And of course they get to write off the $250m.
All this said I am a Sanders supporter for numerous reasons, not the least of which would be the millions of new people he is exciting and bringing into the party which will also help to elect more Democrats locally and to Congress. If Clinton gets the nomination I will enthusiastically support her as I believe she will be more Liberal than Bill and is one of the most qualified candidates for President in my lifetime.