2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: I just have to say something about this dynasty crapola [View all]Martin Eden
(13,718 posts)A candidate must be judged on his or her own merits. FDR came from privilege and his uncle was POTUS, but we don't hold that against him.
I admire both the Clintons, especially Bill, for how far they've risen given their backgrounds.
That's why I take no joy in pointing out the damage Bill did in office by embracing trade agreements that siphoned off American jobs and for the repeal of Glass-Steagall that led to the financial devastation of so many Americans. I wish I could support Hillary in the primary, but I can't because of her coziness with Wall Street and her vote for the Iraq war.
Those are real, tangible, dreadfully consequential issues that are huge check marks against the Clintons.
The word "dynasty" (whether applicable or not) has no meaning compared to actual policies that affect real people.