I think exactly like you and in fact during the 60's was very active in all sorts of protests, mostly anti american and viet nam. I think that America has become the symbol of fascism, and is a dangerous influence in the world. It is a nation of racist war mongers and, worse of all, of incredible ignorance. I have traveled and lived in many different countries (NOT military - soldiers regardless of nationality are nothing but murderous zombies) and am constantly amazed at the comments i hear. Want an example? I told someone I had lived in Brazil for several years and was told that they had been to Tijuana!!. Now we have Donald Trump, a raving lunatic if I have every heard one who has just announced that there is no drought in California (where i live) but that it is simply a Democratic conspiracy.
Money and so called contributions (bribes) are destroying us. Greed is manifest everywhere you look, and the proliferation of guns and violence is beyond belief. I travel frequently to Europe and am always amazed at how much the attitude towards the USA has changed. In the 60's and 70's the USA was admired, mostly because of the great sacrifice made by the GI's (the last American heroes for whom i have nothing but admiration) but that admiration has turned to astonishment with our "choice" of idiots such as Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and others who either ran or were elected president. It is a very sore point with me to hear people say this is the greatest country in the world when they have never been anywhere beyond their own back yard.
Now the reaction to this rant will be probably be one of nasty comments telling me to go back where I came from (hello this is a country of immigrants) but that attitude is exactly what the politicians want. Divide and conquer. Instead of threats why don't people discuss and exchange ideas instead of ranting and raving. And when I say discuss I dont mean to quote Rush Limbaugh but to actually do some research and come to personal conclusions.
As far for religion, and being a devout atheist, it boggles the mind to think that a book of such mumbo jumbo written thousands of years ago by tent dwellers who believed the earth was flat and was the center of the universe, can still exert such influence. In a universe which, as measured by the hubble telescope and which probably extends further, is 126 million light years (one light year = 6 trillion miles)., it boggles the mind to believe that someone is watching over us every moment to make sure we dont have sex before marrying!
As far as economics goes, we have a tax code which allows huge corporations to park trillions of dollars elsewhere or, as Warren Buffet said, allow people like him to pay an average 6% tax while the rest of us pay 20 to 30% and get mostly nothing for it.
As for Sanders, he does not stand a chance of winning. He is a socialist which everyone equates with Stalin but who fail to recognize that social security and medicare are both creations of socialism. He is also Jewish who killed Christ, or some such nonsense, so naturally the good christians of this country will never vote for him.
What sorry harvest we shall reap when our 20 trillion debt comes due.
Well enough of this rant and I shall wait for the insults. It was a pleasure to read your post and i hope we can communicate often.