Hey fellow DUers since DU recommends after 10 posts I introduce myself here I will do this. It will [View all]
be short because, for several years, I was here under the name of EV_Ares but my old email address I used when I signed up was so old could not remember it so had to start a new account so here I am back again & I came back because I enjoy the good information that is on this site along with all of the other comments you make here. Not so much the in-house fighting that occurs sometimes but to be expected I guess.
Not such a good election result but I still feel strongly we can & will do better in the future. I see sites like this as part of that job to let the DNC, Dems in office & other leadership to know how we feel.
My big point now is the fact I want them to start fighting for things a lot harder, stand up to republicans strong & give back some of what they took during the 8 years of President Obama. If they expect us to back them & our candidates they should themselves stand up & fight the battles that need to be fought.
Hope all will have good holidays during the season.