I am not often at a loss for words, but I have run out of explanations and justifications with which [View all]
to respond to a very good liberal friend who has basically given up on ever restoring our democracy. This person meets every impassioned plea for patience with "We've lost our country".
This person---like many---waited for the Mueller report to provide the basis for impeachment and, like me, saw the 2018 " blue wave" as confirmation that the Democrats would evict Trump from the White House and right the ship of state. As days and weeks turned into months that saw near-daily Trump outrages but no real progress toward impeachment or indictment, this person began to wonder aloud what "good" it had done to bust our asses to elect Democrats in our deep red district.
There is now just despondency and guilt about the world we are leaving to our children and grandchildren. There is no enthusiasm about 2020 and our chances to defeat the Trump regime because they are convinced that Trump will again use Russian interference to win reelection. "Nothing has been done to stop Putin from hacking our election again. We are stuck with him---period!" is their consistent attitude and Trump's jokes about a third term are taken very seriously. "Why shouldn't we believe he will refuse to leave?" I am asked. "What immoral, outrageous, unconstitutional or criminal act by him has he been called to account for? What price has he yet had to pay for ANYTHING?"
Your turn---persuade my friend that hope is justified.