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In reply to the discussion: How to get around the paywall at national newspapers [View all]zeusdogmom
(1,059 posts)I have previously posted about this very valuable library resource. Most of us would be amazed by what is available.
I can understand us oldies who grew up on card catalogs not knowing about digital library resources, but anyone under 40? No excuse. What were you doing (or not doing) school? 😄
A loving message to all. If you are not an active user of the library, take it upon yourself to become one. Go to your local library with any kind of ID or proof of address so you can get a library card - what you need varies from place to place. Librarians these days are very friendly and knowledgeable - they WANT to help you. The small plastic card will open vast vistas of information in print and digital formats including movies, music, etc. Most accessible from your home electronic device. Sometimes other items as well - tools, kids toys, paintings to hang on your blank wall, locally a zoo membership card you can check out for a week to visits the zoo. If you dont want a card - you can still go to the library to use materials there - sit and read a newspaper, a magazine, story time for little kids, get home work help, tax help in many places, computer usage training, and if necessary help with learning English, help learning to read.
You are already paying for this incredible resource via your local and state taxes. One of our best government services ever!
OK. Ill get off my soapbox now. It probably shows I am a library supporter. 😄
Enjoy your Sunday everyone. Off to choir warmup for 11 AM worship service and then this afternoon - football. May the mighty Bengals be victorious!