Does anyone know anything about collectible bottles? [View all]
I was trying to get some things together to post on Craigslist to get some cash to send for Ukraine and came across some old coke bottles found in the crawl space of my previous house by my adventurous son. I know, dumb moving them, right? But I had to be out before I could make some decisions on what to throw away.
Anyway, I came across them in my basement yesterday and remembered them. They are 5 green 6-ounce Coke bottles each one with a separate manufacture town and state embossed on the bottom. They are the old kind that needed a bottle opener to open. I know they aren't the real rare ones, because Coke was ubiquitous then and the bottles were everywhere. I figure from the age of the house they were from around the late 50s or 60s. There is also a clear bottle with a screw top.
I'd like to get some idea of what to ask for them.
I have a few things listed although still no inquiries and have a few other things ready to list. Mostly they're things I hate to throw away but want to get out of the house. It would be like found money, so I figure that would be paying it back to donate the proceeds.