Dare I click links in this email from upsdi_den_us@ups.com [View all]
You have received an important delivery from UPS Customer Service.
Please download your file by clicking on the file name in the Attachment section of the ePackage area below.
To (my email address)
Attachments Y23204_76_2459665.pdf (25.87 KB) < --clickable link
https://ftp2.ups.com/download_public.html?token=(blah blah blah)
Download All Files < --clickable link
https://ftp2.ups.com/download_public.html?token=(blah blah blah)
Attached file will be available for 15 days after the receipt of this email.
If you require assistance please contact UPS Customer Service.
Assuming this is legitimate, I am just sick and I am just tired of reading the advice in umptee-thousand different articles and publications not to click on links in email unless one is pretty sure about it.
Well, this is totally unexpected. And though when I hover my mouse over the link, it looks like the important part of it is legitimate, I'm not an expert in this. (In the above I got rid of the stuff after "token=" and replaced it with (blah blah blah).
Sometimes I get an email like this, from say Chase (my credit card company) that says at the bottom if you do not trust clicking the links in this email, you can log in to your Chase account and check your messages (or somesuch)
I do have a UPS account, and I did log in, but there is no "messages" or anything there that I can think where such might be.
Damn it.
Not to mention, separately, from UPS I got a text notification that a package was delivered to my front door at 3 PM yesterday. (With a tracking number that I explored to death). A package delivery was totally unexpected, I have no idea who sent the package or what is in it, except it originated in Denver and it is 7.00 pounds, according to the "Proof of Delivery". OH, AND THERE WAS NO PACKAGE.
Aside: "Proof of Delivery" my ass. Its just a document saying it was delivered at 3 PM Front door.
I spent more than an hour with the f'ing UPS chatbot and every other way to find out more about it, ... there was no way to explain this very simple and I would think common dilemma, but it simply couldn't understand.