If you're just getting a wall of text or one of the modes is not working for you, read this [View all]
Some members have experienced an intermittent issue with the site suddenly losing all its styling, so it just appears as a long list of unstyled text and links. Other have experienced an issue with one of the additional modes not working. These issues are likely related, and are to do with files failing to load correctly.
What you can do to resolve this most of the time
If you are on a device with a keyboard, in most cases the fix is to simply hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click the Refresh button in your browser. That will forces your browser to fetch new files from the DU servers.
If that doesn't work
You can manually visit the DU stylesheet files for the mode you're having a problem with at the links below. If you click on them, you should see what looks like a wall of code.
Default Mode: https://www.democraticunderground.com/du4css/du4.css
Night Mode: https://www.democraticunderground.com/du4css/nightmode.css
Skinner Mode: https://www.democraticunderground.com/du4css/skinnermode.css
If you see that wall of code, try hitting Shift + Refresh (if you have a keyboard) or just refresh the page if you're on a tablet or phone. That should give you the latest version of the file. When you go back to DU, hopefully it will be working normally.
If you just get a blank page at any of the links above, it means the CSS file did not load. In that case, your best bet is to try clearing your browser's cache. There are instructions on how to clear your cache on all devices here:
If it's still not working
Please contact me at earlg@democraticunderground.com so I can try to assist you with your specific issue.
The solutions above are temporary workarounds while we try to nail down this bug, but they should apply to any situation where you're not getting the correct view of the site.