Chicago is one of their favorite punching bags, for '45 gun woundings in one weekend with 9 dead' sounds horrible for an American city. Gun crowd doesn't like to relate this in relative terms tho, don't like to remind readers that Chicago is the third largest city in America behind nyc & LA, so that, logically, they will tend to have higher total volume of crimes.
What reads worse? Chicago has 45 shootings & 9 dead, or Richmond Va has 5 shootings & 2 dead? well Richmond had the higher violent crime rate that weekend, but doesn't sound as bad as Chicago, does it?
Here is a comparison between then handgun banner Chicago & pro gun Houston texas:
2006 Crimes per 100,000 People (rape n/a for chicago):
.........Houston, TX ...........Chicago, IL
Murder:........ 18.2 ..............16.4 <<<< ~20, 2012
Robbery: ......548.3 .............555.1
Aggr Asslt: ...561.7 .............610.4
Burglary: ....1295.7 .............845.2
Larceny: .....3524.6 ............2930.1
Vehicle: .....1017.2 .............763.8
By RATE, Chicago & Houston are at parity for violent crime of murder robb & aggr assault, while Houston has significantly higher rates of property crime of burg & vehicle theft.
Below are actual crime totals, & remember Chicago has 3/4 million more peeps.
Actual Reported Population and Crimes:
........... Houston, TX ...........Chicago, IL
Population: 2,073,729 .............2,857,796
Murder: ..........377 ...................468
Robbery:....... 11371 .................15863
Aggr Asslt: ....11648................. 17445
Burglary:...... 26869 .................24153
Larceny:....... 73091 .................83737
Veh theft:......21093 .................21828 (substitute Houston)