profit, are not deep thinkers. They are brainwashed into thinking the Constitution means something it does not mean with the Amendments that followed the Tenth.
This leaves out the rights of slaves and women and many other things they have taken for granted, as well. We're not really arguing here, you and I.
The premise of the article in the OP and mine, is that the first part of the 2A does not encourage people to run about with military grade weaponry to take down the government, no matter what anyone thinks of its history, is like shooting oneself in the foot. They keep on like this and they will in the end meet their match, or if they infiltrate enough of government to overthrow it, we will be in an oligarchy with guns or weaponry only in the hands of the rich who can hire gunmen to take land, water rights, goods and even people as is done in facsist hell holes.
They are conditioning the American people to think this is the natural order of things. But it goes against priniciples most of us hold dear, even if not carried out to the extent they should be.
Rule by the gun is not freedom, liberty, democracy or even republican government but pure authoritarian rule where the many will keep their mouths shut about their rights for reasons of survival. They don't have any objection to this state of affairs if they profit.
Add to the daily physical level of fear, uncertainly and the kind of oppression this always creates, they are pushing for a theocracy to subjugate people even further than that.