Obama’s Warren attacks backfire [View all]
President Obamas sharp rebuke of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) over his ambitious trade agenda is backfiring in the House, where the personal attacks are alienating the same Democrats the president is courting for votes.
Warren, a freshman liberal from Massachusetts, has emerged as among the fiercest and most visible opponents of Obamas trade wish list, which includes deals with countries in Asia and Europe the president is hoping to make a legacy of his White House tenure.
The tough tenor was designed to rally the backing of more Democrats, particularly in the House, where GOP leaders are struggling to find the 217 votes needed to pass the fast-track bill aimed at facilitating those pacts.
Instead, Obamas rhetoric he said his critics were just wrong in an interview with Yahoo published Saturday seems to have exacerbated tensions between Democrats and the White House, which could make it tougher to move one of the presidents top legislative priorities through Congress this year.
You and I can disagree about policy, but I cant call you a bad person or impugn your motives or anything else except at great risk, Rep. Jim McDermott (Wash.), a liberal Democrat whos undecided but leaning against the trade bill, said Wednesday.