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(16,916 posts)
133. My "Proper response"...
Mon Jan 5, 2015, 11:16 PM
Jan 2015

I've spent the last few days publicly and privately trying to work with you to come up with solutions. I've listened, and made it clear that you're voice would be considered.

After all that, you wrote:

I certainly never saw anyone who complained being expected to outline a solution before.

Merrily, If you're used to complaining without being asked for possible solutions, then perhaps you've been reading the wrong forums. We're here promoting grass roots populist reform-not implementing top down policies.

If you want to complain without taking any responsibility for helping to make this a better place, then you're in the wrong place.

You then continued:
But, okay, I'll give it a shot, as long as we're all clear that I do not have any expertise or experience in this area, nor have I sought any...If a great suggestion for making the party more populist comes from the "most rightest" Dem on this board, so much the better.

Thank you for your voice. I mostly agree, which is why the first 2 Co-Hosts I selected were NYC_SKP--a co host at the BOG, and Manny Goldstein, DU's satirist extraordinaire, known for his posts as "3rd Way Manny." I wanted ideas from all areas of DU. Not because I am fond of the type of posts found in the BOG, but because I didn't want to dismiss a great idea just because of the source.

You continued:
If, on the other hand, the nature of the post is nothing but to nitpick, gadfly, challenge, etc. does including that post in this group make sense, even if FDR somehow came back to life and posted it?

That's ironic, because my personal opinion is that your posts in this thread epitomize the nitpicking, challenging types of posts you seem to find so senseless. Should the hosts have locked the thread? Maybe, but I chose to try to engage you. You appear to have devoted a great deal of energy to this topic, and I had hoped you could direct it constructively.

You them wrote:
So talking about more people participating does not make sense to me. I am not thinking of excluding people. Of course, a particular poster can be so persistent in posts that are inconsistent with the purposes of this group as to be undesirable in this group, ever. But, I don't think this group is ready for that discussion yet.
And I disagree. This group IS ready, and so is DU. i believe the hosts are in agreement on that point, as are the many people that have come here.

Next, simply describing a group as "safe" does not make it safe. Unless action is taken to make it safe and keep it safe, describing it as safe only confuses people like me and leads to OP's like the one I posted.

It's only confusing when you expect the Hosts to police your posts. Hosts enforce the rules, but posters have to alert us to the violations. It's the same with Juries, its the same with MIRT. And FYI - violations may involve Hosts. We're just people, and not above fucking up sometimes. If a Host acts contrary to the rules, or refuses to enforce the rules, PM me.

Why is that confusing?

Continuing, you wrote:
All that said, the first step, IMO, is that you, demwing, as head host, have to get very clear in your own mind about just how "safe" or how "inclusive" you want this group to be at this moment and how much you and the other hosts are willing to do to make it safe at this moment.

You assume I have not...

From the rules: "Everyone starts out as welcomed. No one earns their way in - only their way out."

That's it. Inclusive, and safe. If you were expecting "safe" to mean "no risk of ever encountering a troll" then I'm afraid you have a naive view of safety - especially if you think that the hosts can manage that all on their own without preemptively banning people before they disrupt. What you seem to want is not realistic, and neither is it safe. It's autocratic and contrary to the mood of a populist reform group.

You added:
You are not, IMO, ever going to have a "safe" group...if you and the other hosts collectively are not willing to spend a decent amount of time on enforcement.

On this we agree, and as the hosts can attest, our recent conversations have been about stepping up our presence on the board. That's why we went from 1 host to 3 hosts to 5 in our first month. However, I would hold you, and all our members and guests to the same challenge. Step up your presence, step up your post count, and step up your participation in the building our Safety Net.

5 hosts cant do it alone, but 200 member sure as hell can.

You wrote:
Next, you and the other hosts have to get on the same page with each other. You, as head host are posting on the welcome thread and on this thread that this is a "safe" group, but also that you did not want to exclude. I don't think it's possible to have it both ways.

I don't want to preemptively exclude, and I prefer to not have to ban anyone. You may not think it possible to offer a safe haven along with inclusivity. I respect your right to your opinion, but I don't share it. Our solution requires your assistance, just like a democracy requires your vote. If you don't believe that such a system can work. I just can't be concerned.

Lead, follow, or scoot.

again, continuing:
Meanwhile, as you post those things to me, another host is posting to me, on this very thread, variously that I need to be patient about expecting safety just yet and that this group has no need to be safe like other groups. That host is also posted to me on another thread, in essence, that I should learn how to live with it.

And I say that your interpretation of what Cosmic Kitty (no need to withhold names when we can all read the thread) has written is not correct. Period.

And you finish:
Therefore, I think step 1 is for you to decide truly what you want, given that this group is not going to make itself safe. After you do that, step 2 would be, IMO, to make sure the other hosts are on the same page with you. Step 3 would be to develop a description of what is and is not acceptable here. Step 4 would be enforcement. And, if there is any confusion, maybe contact hosts of other groups that seem relatively safe and ask what they do.

I wish you would have posted this paragraph earlier in our conversations, because I very much appreciate each of your points. My only comments are that
1) I already know what I want - I want a group of like-minded progressive, populists adults that are empowered to regulate themselves -- with the hosts there to enforce solutions to escalated problems.
2)The hosts ARE on the same page - but when we're not, we talk it out. There is no Host email that we can use to communicate freely, so communication can be clumsy...but we're doing it.
3) This is your best recommendation. I feel that clearly defined expectations decreases conflict and increases enthusiasm. We'll get on that over the coming days...
4) Enforcement is already in play, what we need is members to participate in the building of our safety net.

Thank you for your comments. I don't agree with everything you wrote, but I do respect you for standing up for what you believe. BTW- Be careful, the last person that fit that description became a Host.

This thread has now run its course, but I'll give you the last word.

24 hours from now this thread will close. Feel free to respond before the lock



0 members have recommended this reply (displayed in chronological order):

Your powers of observation are working just fine. Corpo-Dem members of DU attack here a lot. Scuba Jan 2015 #1
Thank you, Scuba. I wasn't questioning my own observations on the issue. merrily Jan 2015 #2
the point was DonCoquixote Jan 2015 #5
Not in OUR group demwing Jan 2015 #78
as people as diverse as 1strongblackman and Behind the Aegis can tell you DonCoquixote Jan 2015 #3
His Presidency may have ended but he didn't give up his plan to keep "reforming" "entitlements." merrily Jan 2015 #4
Oh, I expect some left ward talk from her.... daleanime Jan 2015 #62
As do I. I've already seen posts here saying, "Of course, she'll run differently than she did in merrily Jan 2015 #65
Exactly! daleanime Jan 2015 #74
+ 1000 onecaliberal Jan 2015 #54
So what would be the populist purity test? Android3.14 Jan 2015 #6
Case in point. Did you read the OP? It speaks to posting behaviors, not purity tests. merrily Jan 2015 #7
It should be, but you're right it isn't. I was told this group isn't "an echo chamber" RiverLover Jan 2015 #8
Then I have to go back to the subject line of my OP. merrily Jan 2015 #9
Maybe a host can answer that. RiverLover Jan 2015 #11
The BOG and HRC are frail groups Cosmic Kitten Jan 2015 #22
Then why have groups at all? And, again, what is the advantage to merrily Jan 2015 #24
See post #26 Cosmic Kitten Jan 2015 #27
I did. See Reply 34. merrily Jan 2015 #51
Thank you CK, this is exactly the kind of advise demwing Jan 2015 #108
"posters seem to feel a lot freer to contradict and challenge statements in this group than I would" Android3.14 Jan 2015 #39
Participation in a discussion demwing Jan 2015 #109
You post contains a Third Way talking point which was designed to specifically attack sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #29
I'm unsure what your point is Android3.14 Jan 2015 #36
I think the point in the OP is clear. The OP doesn't want this group to turn into GD sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #40
My concern is that people who are fond of the left may own that this group was not created for them, merrily Jan 2015 #46
You are right, the left here understands perfectly what you are saying: sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #57
Amen.... daleanime Jan 2015 #66
Clearly, they are not all avoiding this group, or even avoiding the specific posting merrily Jan 2015 #77
Yes, for some it's difficult to avoid any opportunity to sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #81
I hope so, but I am not sure. merrily Jan 2015 #85
Not only does "the left of the left" understand what I am saying, they've been saying it before I merrily Jan 2015 #116
So what SHOULD be done demwing Jan 2015 #110
My "honest" advice? As opposed to what? merrily Jan 2015 #118
You've made several comments that deserve a response demwing Jan 2015 #119
My post did not say that the safety of this group is totally dependent on the hosts. merrily Jan 2015 #120
You wrote "You took little time to consider to what I spent a fair amount of time thinking about" demwing Jan 2015 #125
My "Proper response"... demwing Jan 2015 #133
You have my greatest admiration. Enthusiast Jan 2015 #64
The OP has already told you twice that it is not about different positions but posting behaviors. merrily Jan 2015 #44
Whenever someone makes a post personal, there is no point in trying to talk to them about sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #70
"is why this group became necessary" But, merrily Jan 2015 #72
So lets correct that! demwing Jan 2015 #111
"I chose not to start this group with a draconian mentality" merrily Jan 2015 #117
No matter what she says, HRC is as establishment/status quo as can be. Enthusiast Jan 2015 #61
merrily, please be patient. Cosmic Kitten Jan 2015 #10
If the hosts believe that this group should be "inclusive," what will being patient do for me? merrily Jan 2015 #15
And Rhett o Rick nxylas Jan 2015 #17
Yes, so did I. They number of hosts increased, which is fine. merrily Jan 2015 #19
What sort of "advantage" are you suggesting? Cosmic Kitten Jan 2015 #26
I am not suggesting any advantage. I am not referring to any advantage, other than the merrily Jan 2015 #34
When someone ANYONE with a progressive bent formally announces ... PassingFair Jan 2015 #12
Rec KG Jan 2015 #13
I give up. What "safe haven" group are you posting about? Hoppy Jan 2015 #14
This one. http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=forum&id=1277 merrily Jan 2015 #16
As a host of the Elizabeth Warren group, I can tell you its a safe haven to a large degree. RiverLover Jan 2015 #18
Hillary/Obama groups, banning, censoring, controlling with authoritarian zeal - that's everything whereisjustice Jan 2015 #105
What? You don't like free speech? vlyons Jan 2015 #20
You are not making a distinction between posting in a group vs. posting elsewhere on the board. merrily Jan 2015 #21
Actually this is NOT a "free speach" zone. Cosmic Kitten Jan 2015 #23
It is if the SOP doesn't say otherwise, but the hosts can do what they want. MADem Jan 2015 #33
This group is for Democrats who oppose Third Way/Right Wing policies. Anyone who agrees with sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #69
The group is pretty well described in its title and the SOP. MADem Jan 2015 #71
If you mean should the hosts start banning people, I believe it was decided to wait sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #76
I meant what I said and nothing more. MADem Jan 2015 #79
I asked a question as your post wasn't clear in terms of what you think sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #84
My post was entirely clear. The hosts can do whatever THEY want. MADem Jan 2015 #86
I don't think you understand this group. The hosts are not 'policing' the group, we don't need sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #90
Well, thank you for speaking so authoritatively for the hosts. I guess. (????) nt MADem Jan 2015 #91
Do you have some disagreement with anything I said, do they? They are free sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #98
Have a nice day, now! nt MADem Jan 2015 #99
I think your post falls into the category the OP is calling out MannyGoldstein Jan 2015 #114
You're right, it's up to the hosts to keep the rules demwing Jan 2015 #107
P.S. The welcome thread does say: merrily Jan 2015 #92
Good for them! They have the right attitude!!! nt MADem Jan 2015 #93
I understand your point of view vlyons Jan 2015 #53
It is not cosmic kitten's point of view. It is the rule for posting in every group on this board. merrily Jan 2015 #58
Where does it say anything about refusing to hear what others want to say? sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #100
You have my compassion. n/t eggplant Jan 2015 #25
It's always interesting to me to see what it takes to get very infrequent posters to post. merrily Jan 2015 #28
I'm not an infrequent poster. vlyons Jan 2015 #55
Your profile says otherwise. merrily Jan 2015 #56
That is a fairly low rate...... daleanime Jan 2015 #68
Not worried at all. Or miffed. Or poutraged. I just do, as I said, find it interesting to note merrily Jan 2015 #80
I'm not that quiet... daleanime Jan 2015 #82
To the best of my recollection, none of your posts has merrily Jan 2015 #83
I thought my reply was obvious, but apparently not. eggplant Jan 2015 #89
I have no objection to infrequent posters per se. I wish I were an infrequent poster and may merrily Jan 2015 #95
Group confusion thesquanderer Jan 2015 #30
By every group's name, including the name of this group, you will see this: merrily Jan 2015 #32
I've never seen that disclaimer. thesquanderer Jan 2015 #47
Well, now you know. merrily Jan 2015 #49
There does not seem to be quite as much confusion about other groups as there is about this one. merrily Jan 2015 #38
I had an identical experience. I accidentally stumbled into a group when I saw something corkhead Jan 2015 #75
Not sure what you're referring to, specifically, but that's the job of the group hosts. MADem Jan 2015 #31
I am not confused about whose job it is. Please see Reply 2. merrily Jan 2015 #35
I didn't think you were confused, but the bottom line is that the hosts decide who can/cannot post MADem Jan 2015 #37
Is your point that my posting an OP was the wrong thing to do? If not, I am not sure merrily Jan 2015 #42
No. No where did I say such a thing. MADem Jan 2015 #43
I am still not clear what you are saying. merrily Jan 2015 #45
Yep, that's it. Whatever. Hopefully they will give you your answer. nt MADem Jan 2015 #50
Trying to get consensus among five hosts by pm'ing them, one by one, is "it," in your opinion? merrily Jan 2015 #52
No--you could PM the lead host and let them figure it out, if you'd like. But do what you want. MADem Jan 2015 #73
Thanks, but starting this thread is what I wanted to do and I have already done that. merrily Jan 2015 #88
The hosts will probably have to start booting the Turd Way and the Fan Club at some point Doctor_J Jan 2015 #41
I had recommended this group to a couple of leftists who had left DU in disgust about how the left merrily Jan 2015 #48
I am in that group. onecaliberal Jan 2015 #59
AFAIK, you are not in the group that I contacted. Other than that, I know what you mean. merrily Jan 2015 #60
I guess I will disregard the DU mail confirming I'm in the group. onecaliberal Jan 2015 #63
? I am referring to people I pm'd and emailed. I have nothing to do with DU mail. merrily Jan 2015 #67
AS the founding host, my intention was simple demwing Jan 2015 #87
I have complained right on a thread where this was occurring and discussed it on that thread merrily Jan 2015 #94
Just to clarify, if needed: I have zero doubt that your intentions and those of all the hosts are merrily Jan 2015 #103
This message was self-deleted by its author Corruption Inc Jan 2015 #96
I disagree. People who wish to avoid criticism of Obama or debating about their praise of him are merrily Jan 2015 #97
I refer you to 1strongblakman DonCoquixote Jan 2015 #113
The hosts allowed it? If so, why? But, my OP is not about outsiders, just DUers who come to this merrily Jan 2015 #115
Mods can ban the worst offenders from posting in the group Warpy Jan 2015 #101
How confined are the hosts really, to only the so-called "worst" offenders? merrily Jan 2015 #102
I agree BrotherIvan Jan 2015 #104
I don't think this group is open to the same shit as GD. I think we'll see some of the sabrina 1 Jan 2015 #106
I've already seen the ones who insist the most on their safe havens BrotherIvan Jan 2015 #112
Well at least one benefit was pointed out to me, namely having a lot of threads on the same topic merrily Jan 2015 #121
This thread has run it's course Cosmic Kitten Jan 2015 #122
As a host, Cosmic Kitten, I can support locking this thread as having "run its course". NYC_SKP Jan 2015 #123
This message was self-deleted by its author aspirant Jan 2015 #126
Please drop this now demwing Jan 2015 #128
Do Not Lock this thread till I have a chance to respond to Post #118 demwing Jan 2015 #127
Sounds good! NYC_SKP Jan 2015 #130
As a host, I have a question aspirant Jan 2015 #124
Good question! If I might.... NYC_SKP Jan 2015 #129
I had a slightly different take on this subject demwing Jan 2015 #131
I agree, and don't think it's too sensitive. NYC_SKP Jan 2015 #132
Locking demwing Jan 2015 #134
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»Populist Reform of the Democratic Party»How is this group a "...»Reply #133