10 Reasons You Should Grow Your Own Cannabis [View all]
Growing your own cannabis is a rewarding experience, and not just because of the product that results from it. If you're looking for some motivation to start your own marijuana garden, here we list ten reasons you should grow your own cannabis.
1. You'll save money growing your own cannabis. You can start growing cannabis with a budget of any size, and the cost difference between buying cannabis flowers outright vs. growing them yourself is often substantial. Most plants produce about an ounce of cannabis flowers (after drying/curing) and with a controlled indoor growing system you can manage several successful crops each year.
2. Growing your own cannabis lets you choose which strains you consume.
3. You have (almost) complete control over the growing conditions and environment. Even if you buy cannabis from a dispensary you trust, there's no guarantee about how the products you buy are cultivated. By growing your own marijuana, you choose which kinds of pesticides and fertilizers you use on your cannabis plants, or you can raise an organic crop if you want.
4. You get a chance to experiment with growing methods when you cultivate your own marijuana.
5. Raising your own cannabis gives you a better understanding and appreciation for the plants and what it takes to grow them.