Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: Why is Biden in the lead? [View all]cliffside
(533 posts)while the country wanted a Change candidate, it was fairly obvious listening to people years before Bush/Clinton etc. And we got a change candidate Trump. Once again the Dem party wants an establishment candidate just like they did in 2016 and they are not reading the pulse of the people. You might have mocked Sanders back in the day, not sure, not my issue today. The reason I liked Sanders in 2016 was that he has been consistent for decades, and mostly right (giving room for doubt) on racial and economic inequality, money controlling politics, climate change and HC for all without all the subsidies to corporations. Biden and Hillary both bought into the invasion of Iraq and destabilization of the ME and then blamed it on someone else. I forget the numbers of Iraqi children that were left orphans or displaced, but I am sure they know. I do remember that 25% of their population was displaced and still we forget about those people like they are disposable and our politicians say I believed Bush, sorry my mistake. Sanders challenged Bush, yes he might be getting on in years, but he had, and still has more mental awareness capacity than Biden now and then to make the correct decisions.
We have some good candidates in the group, not sure why Biden is among the top other than name recognition. While I think Obama did ok and did not disturb things too much, unlike the current occupant of the Oval Office. Obama acquiesed to the HC lobby over prescription drug prices and insurance premiums, he never let the opposition into the room, therefore no real debate on universal HC, just made a deal with the for profit companies, insurance and Pharma companies got tax payer dollars. Did you catch the speech Obama gave to the AMA and a question was asked about UHC and his reply included 'we would not have a socialist HC system in the US.'
Maybe you include Sanders in your list because of his age, but his ideas and principles have been time tested over decades. Would I have spoken out with such fervor over racial equality in the 60's and been arrested? I like some of the younger people, but just like we saw with Obama when he said he said he was for Medicare for All early on and then mocked supporters at rally later on after election. Not to diss too much there were other signs for those paying attention.
Giving Sanders a pass for all his outspoken views on racial/economic equality, money in politics and climate change dating back decades, his views have not changed. The younger people have not proven themselves, if they get into office let us hope their actions match their words.
Thing is most people do not have time to pay attention, so they just cheer for a blue or red team and people get thrown about.
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided