BTRTN: McCarthyism 2.0... Kevin's is Far More Dangerous than the Original [View all]
Born To Run The Numbers believes that Kevin McCarthy is breaking new ground in the Republic was on democracy and on truth itself.
Excerpts: "The new McCarthyism takes its name and essential meaning from House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy, a man who has broken dangerous new ground in the Republican war on democracy and on truth itself: he appears to be keenly and openly aware of the deceit and inconsistency of his own positions, and yet he sallies forth, untroubled even as he flip-flops faster that a fish freshly hooked and reeled into the Chris Craft...
"This new strain of McCarthyism was on full display yesterday when the House Minority Leader issued this tweet about the Biden/Putin summit: 'President Biden should have used yesterdays summit to show that the United States will hold Russia accountable for its long list of transgressions. Instead, he gave Vladimir Putin a pass. We need real leadership that puts the American people first again.' What??!!!Kevin McCarthy thinks Biden gave Putin a pass?? What planet was Kevin McCarthy living on from 2016 to 2020?
"The New McCarthyism is the blind ambition that causes a man to pretend that he sees no evil. It is to have enough power to enable a would-be tyrant, but not enough strength of character to defy him. Yes, there is a new breed of McCarthyism in the Republican Party. Sorry, Edward R. Murrow, this McCarthyism is worse than the original. It is the use of Congressional leadership positions to overtly sanction actions and speech intended to undermine the government."