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In reply to the discussion: This message was self-deleted by its author [View all]LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,012 posts)Something left over from journalism school, I guess. I had seen that statement in an article several years ago, but could not find it for this post. I think I'll go back to the way you suggested, which, while violating Strunk and White's Elements of Style, is a lot more understandable. I could have reworded it and gotten the same point across.
I try to be accurate in my posts, and provide links to sources. Since I could not find it in this case, I linked to a story which provided a discussion of TFG's fascination with things that go "boom!"
That actually was a near-verbatim quote. The briefer reported that TFG kept returning to that topic, asking about using nukes three times during the presentation.
This mad man must not be allowed near the nuclear codes. General Milley was correct in providing a buffer between T***p and the ability to launch Armageddon. During that unsettling period between the election and inauguration there was a non-trivial concern that he'd launch an attack to justify not letting go of the presidency in the middle of WWIII (which he started). What's a few million deaths when it keeps you in office and your ego intact?