There are ignorant, bigoted, mean people everywhere and always have been. There have always been people who live their lives in fear and there have always been people who will take advantage of those fearful individuals.
I grew up in a Republican family. My parents were solid Republicans. My mother had a framed photo of Reagan hanging on her kitchen wall. My brother is a solid Republican: he only cares about money and how much is left in his pocket after taxes. My parents are dead and I no longer speak to my brother, but his political views really only reflect his core values, which I do not share and do not respect.
When Trump first ran in 2016, I broke contact with a number of casual friends because of their support for Trump. I could not understand how they could possibly support someone like him. Whether any of them have changed their view--and their vote--in the last few years, I don't know. I can only hope that at least some of the women will.
I do believe Harris will win and it won't be close. Fuck Trump, fuck his supporters and enablers. The man belongs in prison and we will be a better country when he is removed from the scene, whether by the voters and the legal system or the grim reaper. And the damn MAGATS can crawl back under their rocks, too.