Blue states generate 70% of America's economic output. On top of that: California alone would be the world's sixth largest economy if it were its own country - if Trump starts shooting civilians or tries to force blue states to bend to his will; if the SCOTUS that's completely "mask off" for Trump/Republicans and clearly doesn't give a damn about precedent or what they lied saying was "settled law" and comes out with a decision making abortion illegal nationwide, etc.: then why shouldn't blue state governors refuse to recognize it?
People keep saying, re: his win that it was the economy, and cost of living, which I personally 100% think was the case - even though, of course, the explosion of cost of living over not just the post-COVID era, but the last four decades, started really with Reagan's obliteration and tearing down of the New Deal paradigm as Reaganomics has largely been accepted and went unopposed across the political spectrum, leading to the quadrupling of the cost of even "public" college tuition since just the early 90s, the glorified invoice printers and bill collectors called 'health insurance' companies jacking up costs year after year, huge banks/corporations buying up housing and making it artificially scarce, etc.
So, of course voters just - as is seemingly usual - shot themselves directly in the foot, unless they're part of the top 0.1% of the wealthy or above, while also not understanding how congress works or that it even exists, apparently, and just blame current economic conditions and their feelings about day to day life on the president, who they expect to rule like a king or dictator.
Nonetheless, surveys/polling shows only ~12% of Americans support no exceptions to abortion, and about the same amount approve of the provisions of Project 2025 when they actually read through its key goals, or things like getting rid of/greatly crippling Social Security and Medicaid, and when Republicans inevitably pursue that agenda anyway - people will absolutely turn against them and realize what a horrific mistake they made. At that point, why should we, the blue states, who are literally helping take care of the red state's mismanagement and ill-health, by contributing the majority of American's economic output, just not play ball, anymore?
Are we really going to just sit around and let fascism take over when we have the biggest leverage of all - the economy - to use against the incoming regime (because lets not kid ourselves, that's the territory and dark "timeline" were now entering in America)?