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In reply to the discussion: IMHO It Seems Like We Were Suckered Into Accepting The Results Of This Election..... [View all]BurnDoubt
(70 posts)Deep State is REAL. And it's ALWAYS been right-wing (Leonard Leo). Part of The Plan. Putin came from the KGB. Putin knows all about all the players. Putin had a "confidential" meeting with the then-president of the US, who expressed his filial approval of the Despot. Part of The Plan. Putin attacked Ukraine. Part of The Plan. Holy Mike went Ruski. Part of The Plan. Bibi went Attila. Part of The Plan. The Pluto-Elites huddled together after a few rounds of golf with The Anti-Christ and put their thumb on the inflation scale for him. Part of The Plan. Christer Hierarchy turned their backs on Woke Jesus and bent a knee to kiss the sphincter-ring of the Anti-Christ. Part of The Plan. All seven-or-eight actual Christians stood by, mute, and watched. Part of The Plan. Democrats "went High", played it straight and normal, covered their eyes with their White Hat and prayed their aspirational hopes for a fair shake and opportunities for The Rest Of Us would somehow wend its way through the morass of mis-dis-information and garden-variety Hate. Part of The Plan. Democrats are eating their entrails and shovelling shit on the people who put their lives and futures and families in the way of mal-creants and deviants to bring a chance of a better life for YOU, The Little Guy. Part of The Plan.--- Ten days ago I was ashamed of the degenerate. Eight days ago I was ashamed of Republicans. Seven days ago I was ashamed of America. Today I'm ashamed of Democrats. I've been a Democrat since I was ten. That year I rode my bike around my neighborhood with a "Kennedy For President" sign and I've voted straight Democrat in every election since McGovern. I've had my heart broken more often than not, and the occasions of Joy not-quite-enough, but this moment is, by far, the worst and hardest to digest. Reading posts here and on Kos ripping on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris makes me sick, like I"ve been riding the bus with closet-MAGA quislings (fun fact; "quisling" starts with a "Q" . Lets focus our fire outside our tent and on the real enemy. We're a week into the next war. Forget the last one and stop bayoneting the wounded.--- Sadder, still, I was hoping a good man would see his bucket-list fulfilled with a Woman, of Color, at the Helm. Sorry, Jimmy. Sorry.