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In reply to the discussion: At this time I am focused on practicing self care, love and building a community [View all]Sympthsical
(10,411 posts)I sometimes wonder if social media create a problem because it makes it extremely easy to focus solely on macro issues while ignoring the local. You come home, you log on, and "What's happening in the wide world!" But at the end of the day, we only have so much individual power. We can vote, donate, volunteer for national causes. Whatever happens happens. There is only so much personal control we have.
But in our own lives - social, familial, professional, and community - we have a great deal of control over what kind of daily environment we want to live in. Good friends, good hobbies, good causes, good projects where we can tangibly reap the rewards our efforts earn.
I am loving my career change to nursing. Been doing clinicals in long-term care and rehab facilities. Absolutely loving it. Love interacting with the patients, being able to make their day better, interacting with them, trying to be a positive presence, trying to make their lives easier and improve their health where possible. And the benefits are tangible right away. You get that feedback, because we mutually become each other's best part of the day.
Yeah, there's rough spots. Tough cases, admins who you want to roll your eyes at every ten seconds, but it feels like I'm accomplishing useful things in the moment, every day, just by virtue of getting out there.
I wish for everyone to find something in their lives that gives that kind of feeling, no matter what it is. Where you can go do things and get that positive satisfaction regularly as feedback.
Generativity is an important component of human development as we get older.