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In reply to the discussion: "Pro-Choice" or "Pro-Abortion"? [View all]enlightenment
(8,830 posts)having an abortion. I had one - it wasn't an enjoyable thing. That said, it didn't leave me with any regrets, nor did it leave me traumatized, scarred, or any other thing that people say. It was an unpleasant medical procedure. Many medical procedures are unpleasant. End of story.
I appreciate your willingness to learn. That is a very important quality. Perhaps you might consider why I (and PeaceNikki and others) are supporting the use of the term 'pro-abortion'. It is, simply, a clear recognition of the fact that abortion is a medical procedure. If you are 'pro-choice' then you support the medical procedure. Why shy away from that?
Colonoscopy is not a pleasant medical procedure and I've never met anyone who enjoyed them - Root canals aren't enjoyable, either. We don't get our collective knickers in a twist over any medical procedure except abortion, and we try to hide the fact that we are saying that we support abortion by using the vague phrase "pro-choice" instead.
But by using that phrase, we open ourselves up to moving from supporting abortion to not supporting it, in the turn of a phrase. When someone says "I am pro-choice, BUT . . ." what they are saying is that they are not really pro-choice (and have you noticed that there is almost always a "but" attached?).
Choice is a matter for the individual. You choose chocolate, I choose vanilla. You might criticize my choice of flavor - but would you, for one moment, believe you had a right to try and limit my choice? Of course not. In the end, it matters not at all to you what ice cream I choose to eat, because you aren't eating it.
If a woman chooses to end a pregnancy, she is choosing abortion for herself. Why should anyone believe they have a right to try and limit her right to have that medical procedure? Do we suggest 24-hour waiting periods or mandatory counseling before having a mole removed?
The right and appropriate phrase really is "pro-abortion". We have to support the procedure - not just some vague sense of choice. A woman's right to choose abortion is being limited every day in this country, largely because we have buried the medical procedure beneath so many layers or fuzzy thinking that those who oppose abortion have been able to burrow in like termites and weaken the foundation of our conviction.
I believe that there is nothing wrong with abortion. I believe that there is nothing wrong with the word "abortion". I am not afraid to use the word or to say, out loud and in print, that I support abortion.