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In reply to the discussion: Do you put your hand over your heart during the National Anthem? [View all]johnkramer
(21 posts)There is no empire in world history that has come remotely close to taking over even a minority of the world's geography. You conveniently leave out Russia in your fear mongering scenarios. The simple fact is that Hitler and Japan spread themselves too thin.
Your post is also full of fear mongering what-ifs, as in purporting Germany and Japan's possibly successful invasion the United States. You question the US veracity if the enemy has to cross the vast oceans, but in the same breath tout the US ability to shutdown both Germany and Japan as actually happened.
The Axis were already going to have trouble holding what they had from multiple resistance on all fronts. Simply conquering something and holding onto it for any significant time are two very different things. Again, the Axis spread themselves too thin.