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Showing Original Post only (View all)Bishop Larry Gaiters Calls Death of Joe Biden's Wife, Daughter and Son 'Satanic Sacrifice' [View all]
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Source: Newsweek
Bishop Larry Gaiters, a far-right conservative host, has claimed that the deaths of Democratic President Joe Biden's family membersincluding his first wife Neilia Biden, his daughter Naomi Biden and his eldest son Beau Bidenwere all a "satanic sacrifice" to help him acquire political power.
In a recent broadcast of Up Front In The Prophetic, a QAnon-aligned religious podcast, Gaiters said "my two contacts in the FBI" told him that Beau Biden didn't actually die of brain cancer in 2015.
"Beau Biden was a sacrifice for the political rise of his father," Gaiters said, "just like the first wife of Joe Biden, Neilia Hunter Biden, was a satanic sacrifice, going back to 1972, that will give way for the rise of the political career of one Joe Biden."
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WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!! To say that this is insane is so many light years from the level of psychosis...I mean what the hell can anyone say, can I SAY. just what?!! I'm no legal expert, (FAR from it) but DAMN, this has to be some kind of libel, slander, something.
Chime in, those in the know, what this can mean for the idiot saying these things...